Ruut sildid

Kvaliteetsed isekleepuvad kohandatavad ruut sildid aitavad teil oma tootele või pakendile kiiresti ja lihtsalt unikaalset välimust anda. Sildi paigaldamine on lihtne ja kiire. Teie sildid prinditakse kvaliteetsele paberile, A4 suurusega 29.7 x 21 cm.
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Online proofing of your orders

After checkout, make changes to the design until you are satisfied
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Easily apply by hand

Our custom square sheet labels are easy to apply to products and packaging
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Delivery times are subject to confirmation within 24 hours. Delaying approval will affect delivery.

Square labels for quick and easy marking of your products

Select preferred size and quantity, upload your design and artwork, and we will produce square labels on a standard A4 paper sheet (29.7 x 21 cm). Our custom square labels are great for adding your own touch to gifts, packaging, cans, bottles, envelopes and anything else. These labels do not take up much space, so storing them is very easy and simple.

Reviews for Ruut sildid

4.9 / 5
Total reviews
Lina Derden 23.05.2022
Really great for the price, but sometimes hard to get them off the sheet.
Ļoti ātri izgatavoja
Natalija Oshmianska 03.05.2022
Ātra piegāde un izgatavošana. Super!
Erno Hämäläinen 27.04.2022
Good service, fast delivery, very cheap
Excellent as always!
mackenzie 05.07.2021
Fast response time, fast shipping, excellent product! Thanks again, Zebra Printshop!
Zebra - Jūs esat visslabākie
Gierts Dzenītis 05.07.2021
Es esmu ļoti apmierināts ar savām etiķetēm, paldies!
No more printing stickers at home!
Stanley Mead 03.07.2021
For years I've tried home-printing stickers for my Ebay business. I tried any matter how much tweaking, the labels would print slightly off-center. I thought I was saving money, but the time spent and the frustration! So I tried Zebra Printshop. Ta-da! Perfectly printed, best quality stickers that really add to my packaging. Thank you, Zebra Printshop!
Simple and durable
David Pass 30.06.2021
These labels were great for a tailgate we had, to personalize red solo cups!
Lielisks produkts!
Rūsiņš Aparjode 29.06.2021
Katru reizi ir lieliski!
Veleka Roberts 29.06.2021
Быстро и качественно!
Олег Скребов 26.06.2021
Одно из немногих мест, где можно было бы распечатать мелкую партию наклеек. Спасибо!